Friday, October 31, 2014

Understanding ISO

High ISO


ISO is the measure of a digital camera sensor's sensitivity to light.  Visually, a picture taken with a lower ISO is brighter and doesn't look as grainy.  In a camera, the ISO is what takes in the light and forms the image.  This is related to the shutter speed and the aperture because the aperture is the size of the opening that lets light in and the shutter speed controls the amount of time the shutter is open.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter is open.  In the camera, when the shutter opens and closes quickly, the picture is clear and focused, and when the shutter opens and closes slowly, the camera catches more movement and the picture is not as focused.  Looking at a picture that was taken with a slow shutter speed, it is blurry and you can see movement, however looking at a picture that was taken with a fast shutter speed, it will be focused and there won't be any blurred movement.  The shutter speed works with the exposure triangle because it determines how much time the light has to pass through the camera.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Understanding Aperture

Shallow Depth:
Large Depth:

Aperture is the size of the opening in the lens when a picture is taken.  The wider the aperture, the brighter the picture will be because more light is being let in.  The aperture in a camera adjusts how big the opening to let light in is, which is why the brightness is different when the aperture is different.  The aperture is on the top of the triangle because if the aperture isn't right, it is difficult for the picture to turn out well.  It also works alongside the shutter speed, which is why they are next to each other on the triangle.  The focal length also changes how clear or blurry the picture is.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Photographic Themes

I enjoyed shooting the pictures for this project, however I thought some of the themes were difficult to take pictures of.  I had a hard time with truth, and memories.  My favorite picture is the one I took for 'Happy'.  I like this picture because it wasn't staged and he genuinely looks like he is having a good time.