Friday, March 27, 2015

Final Composition

These pictures help tell a story about my life.  In my first collage, I have a picture of exercise equipment because I enjoy exercising and I go to physical therapy a couple times a week.  Then I have a chipotle bag because that is one of my favorite places to eat.  I have a picture of my headphones because I like to listen to music, and the road because I drive to Philadelphia 3 times a week for volleyball practices.  I also have a picture of the THON diamond because I am a committee member.  In my bottom collage I have a picture of a steering wheel because sometimes I drive to school in the morning, a plate of salmon and rice because I like seafood and eating healthy, volleyball nets and a gym because I am always practicing, my hockey jersey because I love the Pittsburgh Penguins, and my calculator and homework because I spend a lot of time every night doing schoolwork.  Utilizing compositional strategies helps the photographer to tell a story to it's viewers.  The use of elements such as symmetrical and asymmetrical balance, leading lines, curved lines, repetition to create a more in depth photograph with more meaning behind it.

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